To set up your EIP, access your COL account and then proceed to TRADE>EIP SCHEDULER>SCHEDULE EIP.
You will then have to fill out the EIP Calendar Form.
To fill out the EIP Calendar Form, please take note of the following:
- STOCK CODE - Choose the stock you would like to invest in
- You may click the LIST button to show you the COL-recommended EIP Premium Growth Stock List. If you wish to invest in other stocks outside of this list, just click on the COL LIST button on the appear left and click ALL STOCKS instead.
- You may click the LIST button to show you the COL-recommended EIP Premium Growth Stock List. If you wish to invest in other stocks outside of this list, just click on the COL LIST button on the appear left and click ALL STOCKS instead.
- CASH VALUE - Indicate the fixed amount of money you wish to invest regularly. This is the amount of money that is comfortable for you to save and invest on a regular and sustained basis.
- PERIOD - Select the frequency or how often you would like to buy shares.
- START DATE - Click on the calendar icon to select your start date. This will also serve as your Regular Buy Date. Take note that if your Buy Date falls on a weekend or a holiday, you will be able to buy shares on the next trading day.
- DURATION - Choose the length of time you wish your EIP schedule to run. Take note that if you wish to continue your EIP investment beyond 3 years, you just have to create a new EIP once your previous one expires.
- ORDER MODE- Select a way or manner your EIP orders will be posted. Your two options are:
- Manual Mode - This mode will require you to log in to your COL account every chosen period and buy the shares using the EIP reminder that will pop on your COL account screen.
- Automatic Mode - This mode will let your EIP Facility automatically buy the shares for you. You will just need to make sure that your account has sufficient funds so the system can buy the shares for you based on the schedule that you have created.
Once all the necessary fields have been filled out, just click the SUBMIT button and a confirmation page will appear for you to review your EIP Schedule. Just type in your password to confirm then click the OK button.