If you are receiving this error message, this means either 2 things that needs to be done. If these are done already kindly wait for the next business day to subscribe to the AREIT IPO through your PSE EASy account. 

1. You have yet to give us your consent to create your NoCD account. 

You would need to log into your COL account and click on the AREIT IPO banner. An NoCD consent letter would come out and kindly click the I AGREE & CONTINUE button. Once you have clicked on the button, this notice will no longer appear. The NoCD consent letter would look like this:

Please note that if you do not see this form in your AREIT IPO banner, this means that you have previously clicked on the AGREE button already. 

2. Your PSE EASy account has yet to be validated by COL Financial

Once you have created your PSE EASy account, you would need to nominate your broker. If you have chosen COL Financial, we would send you a PSE EASy reference number in 1-2 days from your registration. The email would have a subject: Action needed for PSE Easy Account Validation

Input your PSE EASy reference number in your COL account under the CHANGE PROFILE page:

Kindly make sure that your PSE EASy account has the same Complete Name, TIN, Email Address & Birthday as your COL account for proper validation.

COL Financial will then proceed to validate your PSE EASy account in 1-2 days.