Maintaining Balance:
To continue the use of your Margin Facility, a maintaining equity (cash and stock) balance of P50,000 is needed. You can find this figure at the lower left of your online portfolio.To continue the use of your Margin Facility, a maintaining equity (cash and stock) balance of P50,000 is needed. You can find this figure at the lower left of your online portfolio.

Maintaining Equity Ownership %:
Equity ownership of an account is the percentage of the value of the account that belongs to you. You must maintain at least 50% equity ownership.

If you own 70% of an account with an equity of Php200,000; it means that Php140,000 of the account is yours and Php60,000 is the amount that you borrowed from your broker.

You can find your account’s Equity % under the CLICK HERE FOR DETAILED BALANCES link found in the Portfolio page.

To increase Equity Ownership %: 

There are 3 options to increase your equity ownership percentage:
• Fund your account with cash
• Deposit more Marginable Stocks
• Sell shares to reduce your margin loan

You can check your Detailed Balances in your Portfolio page to know how much you would need for each option.